Sales Machino

“The purpose of a business is to create a customer through marketing and innovation.”
Peter Drucker

Sales Machino Best Logo

Over the years you may have met a lot of business connections, contacts that could help take your business to the next level.  We have developed a proprietary model to help people like you to gain traction in sales.

We can take your business card collection and book your informational Zoom calls according to your schedule and position your company as an alliance with these influencers and kick-start or aid your sales process.

We will call the leads on your behalf (phone script, an e-mail message, call and text), put the contacts on a spreadsheet (for use with your CRM or we can assist in developing one), book your Zoom (you must have a Zoom account and we can help you set this up), provide a proprietary agenda, and assist you to evaluate the success of this model to determine the value of an on-going effort with the next batch of calls (month-to-month).  Fully scalable.

To learn more about this model please schedule a zoom call with us.

Sales falls under the Marketing umbrella.  Please to learn more about a focus on sales.

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