The Entrepreneur Broadcasting Company

“The Entrepreneur Channel” by EBC Broadcast, The Entrepreneur Broadcasting Company. The Business Intelligence Network.

Marketing Dynamics has predicted the convergence and integration of broadcast media for some time. It has focused on the entrepreneurship explosion ahead of the pack to set the foundation for “The Entrepreneur Channel” a 24-hour network much like the Military Channel, Discovery Channel and others, that will include television, radio, print, events, news, and technology to champion business ownership and growth. The company was founded by Sheila HarrisonPresident/CEOJames R. Boy, COO, and Andy Valadez, CMO/VP of Business Development, with the mission of helping business owners succeed.

A recent interview with Co-founder Andy Valadez, CMO and Kevin Price of “The Price Business” 

The business model willl survive and thrive from its consulting practice, viewer memberships, advertisers, syndicated programming, merchandise sales, events, news feeds, affiliate sales, and production capabilities.

The channel concept has gotten the attention of many business leaders, institutions, technologists, media personalities, and professional organizations. Stay tuned.

Read more here: EBC Broadcast

This is a billion-dollar idea, that is currently attracting capital interest and strategic alliances.  Want to be a part?  Contact: