A Marketing company for busy and/or stressed business owners or executives, who need someone who knows what they are doing to take them to their Success Vision.

“We help companies and people become successful through business and market research, and strategic marketing.” – Andy Valadez, Marketing Strategist for Marketing Dynamics.

Work Smarter, Harder, Faster!

Turbo Charged Start-up Process:
1. Zoom Call (To book now: https://calendly.com/marketing-dynamics)
2. We Outline a Plan
3. Execute the Plan Together!

NO Speeding Tickets Agreement
1. We help keep you out of court.
2. We provide degreed marketing oversight.
3. Quarterly billing agreement.
4. Open lines of communication avoids confusion and misunderstanding.
5. Access to our network of marketing resources.
6. Save money. We pay for referrals.

Avoid Marketing Mistakes:
* Overspending or underbudgeting on Marketing.
* Losing brand strength and value over time.
* Missing sales and reduced profit by not having the right marketing strategy.

Please subscribe to Marketing Dynamics alerts and receive free marketing ideas and resources that will advance your business vision and goals faster:  http://eepurl.com/gvQxnP  (click here).

AI Andy (voice cloned) Wut?
Welcome Video from Andy Valadez, Marketing Strategist of Marketing Dynamics (USMC Veteran)

Marketing Dynamics enjoys a reputation that is recognized by thought leaders of our time.

We have served legendary clients like the Home Depot, Tulane University, BUB Racing 7 (two-time motorcycle land speed world record holder), the Shoshone Nation and Native Indian Country, World Champion Bull Rider Scott Mendes, Texas Hero Stephen Willeford aka The Barefoot Defender, President Donald J. Trump, Humanitarian Machine Gun Preacher, Champion Boxer David “Nino” Rodriguez, countless small businesses and non-profits, and various national veterans organizations like the American Legion, Marine Corps League, Honor Flight Network, Wheelchairs for Warriors, and the United States Marine Corps

We have been in business since 1999 and have experience in Marketing in just about every situation.  We have forgotten more Marketing than many know today and remain current with recent technologies (AI) and today’s marketing trends.

We provide degreed Marketing oversight and continue to add to our Marketing intellectual capital by investing in training with market leaders like Tai Lopez, Howard Partridge, Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, Shandra Sumpter, Billy Gene Marketing, Donald Miller, and more.  We are readers and leaders with a mighty network of resources and contacts, and along with our investment in Marketing Artificial Intelligence (the future of Marketing).

We are available and on-call throughout our journey together and provide a start-up guarantee that allows us to put our reputation on the line for both sales and marketing.  

We are retained for our innovative thinking and doing. Commodities are plentiful, but applied strategy is not.

Our Mission: We help people become legendary.

Our Values: We work smarter, harder, faster to help our clients attain the checkered flag in their industry.

Our Purpose:
To protect our clients from marketing failures and rip-offs.

Ask about this amazing bundled package for a select few clients who want to scale. A collaboration model.
An organization we helped start.

The purpose of a business is to create a customer through marketing and innovation.
Peter Drucker, The Father of Management Theory

We will help you improve your VRIN Score? Never heard of it? Call to discuss, the 4 key areas to become more attractive to your clients.

“If your ‘why?’ doesn’t make you cry, it isn’t big enough. We have a country to save!” – Andy Valadez, Marketing Strategist of Marketing Dynamics and USMC Veteran (leading conversations that matter in our time).

Teamwork makes the dream work, the dream makes the team work.” – Howard Partridge

“The Marketing of Good: How Marketers and Influencers Can Disrupt Evil Agendas” with 8 powerful endorsements so far. Plan release in March of 2024 (www.TheMarketingOfGood.com):

Marketing Strategy

Our “One Thing”? Marketing Innovation.

We also direct the creation of brand ringtones and jingles to liven up brands! Be memorable.

Marketing Dynamics Ringtone/Jingle

Marketing Dynamics Strategy Alerts Subscription model (listen below) and subscribe today:

Weekly audio text message ideas that you can implement right away, $9.99 a month: Subscribe (click)

“I only take advice from a few people and Andy is one of the few. He has continued to serve and support The Angels of East Africa orphanage and my tours in Texas and across America.”
Pastor Sam Childers aka Machine Gun Preacher

The Future of Marketing – Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML), Intelligent Automation (IA), Virtual, Avatars, Bots, Drones, Robots, Voice Command, Crypto, Blockchain, Extended Reality (XR), Infinite Intelligence (Mastermind), and Media.

Marketing AI:
Old School & Next-Gen Marketing = Smart Marketing Machine.

“We are the Warriors” Ringtone by Warrior Alive

Today no business can succeed without a digital presence, and in the very near future no brand will succeed without AI.” 
– Mathew Sweezey, Author of The Context Marketing Revolution (HBR) and Cofounder Salesforce Web3 Studio

Let us be your Marketing Agency of Record. When you work with us you will receive more visibility and notoriety, confidence in your branding, and a sense of achievement and market success.

We have worked with legends and help our clients to become legendary and guiding them to change lives with their products and/or services through the power of Strategic Marketing.

Our clients know that we care about them personally and their business. Our mission is to be a trusted adviser and confidant to help you and your team succeed.

How would your life change if you could grow your business to beyond $1M in gross revenue?

You need marketing, just like you may need a lawyer, a doctor, engineer, architect and/or an accountant. There are proven principles in Marketing that can leverage your success.

We are currently looking for businesses growing beyond $300K to $1M or $5M within the next 2 to 3 years or corporate executives who need to leverage their multi-million dollar initiative. Most of our clients retain us after a few chats, maybe an in-person meeting, and after reviewing our case studies, testimonials, active social feeds, and believing we can help them in the short and long-term. Because of our range and depth in Marketing, we are the idea resource for Marketing Innovation and Implementation.  Work smarter, harder, faster, and have fun!

Save time. The shortest way to a point is a straight line.  You basically need to know if a Marketing Strategist can lead and help you reach your business vision!

According to the Small Business Administration (2021) there are 32.5 million small businesses doing under $1M in revenue with less than 5% doing $1M or more, or 1.6 million who are doing well. Strategic Marketing could be your secret weapon.

Our clients want to retire their spouse, pay for kids’ college, pay-off debt, build-up cash, have fun, and/or exit into a lifestyle of choices and help others.

We have the expertise, range, depth and breadth, a mighty network, and history to lead your company to over $1M and/or take your corporate level idea/assignment to multi-millions (check out The Home Depot Case Study).

“Your contractor (client) got our account because of you.”
Cindy Transou, Regional Install Manager for The Home Depot® – 91 stores later

Text or call 713.560.3348 (the best time to reach Andy Valadez, Marketing Strategist, is after 1pm CST). On mission!

call now

You are the hero in your story brand!  Set yourself apart with market success.

The first step is identifying your Unique Experiential Proposition (which may need improvement and/or review) and your “one word” that identifies your brand that helps identify your brand matrix. Our one word?  Marketing!

There are 6 key areas to develop and coordinate:  people (the sales function at every level), product (branding and packaging), pricing strategy, place (distribution strategy), promotion (advertising, public relations, and social media), and positioning (position or be positioned).

Interesting Marketing Case Study: Did you know that ice leveraged Nescafe in Japan, when they needed innovation?  Sergio Zyman, Marketing Strategist was tasked with the problem when he worked for the PR and Marketing agency, because sales dropped in the summer for hot coffee in Japan.  He found that the Japanese then, did not drink Nescafe coffee in the summer. So, he advised introducing iced-coffee.  For the price of ice, he innovated sales.  Nothing else changed, but the message!
Source:  “The End of Marketing As We Know It” by Sergio Zyman

Your marketing should make sense. So, the next time you try an iced-coffee, now you know why it became so popular.

Ask us about excellence in video production and photography. We have worked with the best in entertainment, TV, and motion picture.


“I started my practice in 1999 after serving in the United States Marine Corps and Corporate America. I nurtured the dream of becoming a Marketing leader in 1971 at 6 years old when I talked my younger sister into playing ‘Whataburger’ by cutting a drive-thru window in her new playhouse my dad built for her, with the new saw and hammer he gave me for Christmas.

My dad was not happy, but my sister and I had the time of our life.  Fast-forward to 1981, I met my wife when I worked at my first job part-time at Whataburger, I was 15!  The legend has it that ‘When love came walking in, I was taking her order and have been taking her orders ever since!’


Marine and His Lady

In 1999, I was downsized from a major corporation and started Marketing Dynamics and have told that story on-the-air on many radio and TV shows that I have had the opportunity to be interviewed for.  I love helping people to succeed in business and in life.” – Andy Valadez, Marketing Strategist of Marketing Dynamics


Make Money Soundtrack (click link), like “Whistle while your work!” only better.

Stay fresh and new with New Music ThursdayThe Playlist

Front-line Marketing, ideas, research, best-practices, proven, and battle-tested.

SMMA (Social Media Marketing Agency)

Big Planet with ring

** there are over 230 social media for business. No one is an expert at them all. We can help you to select the best of the best in social media and lead your conversation on-line. Most social media providers are not Marketers – there is a difference.
** there are nearly 2 billion websites and 30 to 50 billion web pages on the internet.  We help you focus your marketing efforts. The most important social media and website is yours!

Let us set-up your most crucial social media accounts and then help source your industry practitioners (why pay social media people to learn your industry/business service?) to leverage your conversations and reach.

Please take a look at our case studies and service offerings designed to boost your company and brand to greater awareness and traction through dynamic and professional strategies.